How to Use "Debt" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words debt (n): amount of money that is owed; the state of owing money


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Used with adjectives:

"She has big debts."
(big, heavy, high, huge, large, massive)

"Most students have outstanding debts."
(outstanding, unpaid)

"Is it a long-term debt?"
(long-term, short-term)

"The overall debt is more than his annual income."
(overall, total, gross, net)

"The federal debt is growing."
(federal, national)

"She has credit-card debts."
(credit-card, loan, mortgage)

"She is in serious debt."
(serious, great)

Used with verbs:

"How much debt do you have?"
(have, owe)

"The man has accumulated debt."
(accumulated, incurred)

"Try to clear your debts."
(clear, eliminate, pay off, repay, settle, reduce, manage)

"He consolidated his debts to make one monthly payment."

"How can I get out of debt?"
(get out of)

"How did she get into debt?"
(get into)

Used with nouns:

"He is a debt collector."

"I applied for debt cancellation."
(cancellation, forgiveness, reduction, consolidation)

"She works in debt collection."
(collection, services)

"He has a debt problem."

"She needs help in debt management."

Used with prepositions:

"She has thousands of dollars of debt."

"He is in heavy debt."

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