How to Use "Delay" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words delay (n): a situation that makes something happen later than it should


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Used with adjectives:

"The traffic accident caused a considerable delay."
(considerable, long, major, serious, significant)

"The delay was unnecessary."
(unnecessary, unavoidable, avoidable)

"There will be a brief delay before the show starts."
(brief, short, slight, minimal, minimum)

"The unexpected delay made everyone upset."

"Airport delays can ruin a trip."
(airport, flight, traffic, travel)

Used with verbs:

"Flights are subject to delay."
(be + subject to)

"The airline passengers encountered major delays."
(encountered, experienced, faced, suffered)

"Car accidents cause delays."
(cause, lead to)

"She apologized for the delay in responding to his email."
(apologized for)

"How can we prevent traffic delays?"
(prevent, avoid, eliminate, minimize, reduce)

Used with prepositions:

"Tell them without delay."

"The delivery had a delay of three weeks."

"The car accident caused major delays to traffic."
(to, in)

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