How to Use "Design" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words design (n): a drawing showing how something is made; the style of something


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Used with adjectives:

"The graphic design is beautiful."
(graphic, architectural, industrial, interior)

"He works on software design."
(software, Web, website)

"It's a basic design."
(basic, simple, complex, sophisticated)

"The new model has an excellent design."
(excellent, good, poor, attractive, beautiful, sleek, stylish)

"We prefer the bold design."
(bold, original, new, modern)

"We like classical designs."
(classical, traditional)

"The artist creates simple designs."
(simple, abstract)

Used with verbs:

"She created a cool design."
(created, developed, produced)

"He needs to improve the design."
(improve, modify, refine, finalize)

"We followed the original design."
(followed, used)

"The quilt has a complex design."

Used with nouns:

"He owns a design business."
(business, company, firm)

"The woman is a design consultant."
(consultant, director, engineer, professional)

"The design staff is working on the project."
(staff, team)

"Have you seen the design department?"
(department, studio)

"Where are we in the design process?"

"We are using a new design tool."
(tool, program, software)

"I like that design concept."
(concept, idea)

"What are the design requirements?"
(requirements, standards, specifications)

"We came across a design challenge."
(challenge, problem, flaw)

"They are modifying the design features."
(features, details, elements)

Used with prepositions:

"Her design for the new building is incredible."

"It is very complex in design."

Study Vocabulary Words design (v): to create or draw how something is made or built


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Used with adverbs:

"The building was carefully designed by a new architect."
(carefully, cleverly, badly, poorly)

"He designed the cake beautifully."
(beautifully, elegantly)

"She has clothes specially designed for her daughters."
(specially, exclusively)

"The company largely designs airplanes."
(largely, mainly, primarily)

"They initially designed it to accommodate less people."
(initially, originally)

Used with nouns:

"Did you design the boat?"
(boat, bridge, building, costume, course, game, logo, machine, plan, product, project, site, software, system, website) *many additional nouns

Used with prepositions:

"The machine is designed for everyday use."

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