How to Use "Desk" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words desk (n): a small table used for reading, writing, or doing work; a place that provides a service


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Used with adjectives:

"The boss has a big desk in his office."
(big, huge, large, massive, executive)

"He has a small desk in the corner."

"He bought a metal desk."
(metal, wooden, mahogany, oak, antique)

"Does your classroom have an empty desk?"

"Please put it on my computer desk."
(computer, office, school, writing)

"I can't find anything on this messy desk."
(messy, cluttered)

"Just ask the staff at the front desk."
(front, main, reception)

"Give your name to the check-in desk."
(check-in, help, information, registration, service, support)

"The news desk just received the breaking news."

Used with verbs:

"Please sit at your desk."
(sit at, get up from, leave, clean, clean out, clear)

"Her messy desk was covered with papers."
(be + covered, be + littered, be + cluttered)

"I will call the front desk about the noise."
(call, ring)

"The receptionist will work the main desk."
(work, run, man)

Used with nouns:

"Check inside the desk drawer."

"I need to buy a desk chair."
(chair, lamp, phone, calendar)

"He likes working a desk job."

"Please call the desk clerk for help."
(clerk, staff)

"The desk editor was not impressed with his article."

"They put me on desk duty after the accident."

Used with prepositions:

"The clerk behind the front desk was friendly."

"I put the papers on your desk."

"The gentleman at the front desk needs help."

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