How to Use "Development" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words development (n): the process of growth; a new idea or plan; an area with new buildings


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Used with adjectives:

"We are hoping for the full development of her lungs."
(full, healthy, normal)

"They expect a gradual development."
(gradual, continued, ongoing)

"The building has undergone rapid development."
(rapid, accelerated)

"The city is going through commercial development."
(commercial, economic, industrial, historical, community, rural, suburban, urban)

"We have been observing his artistic development."
(artistic, educational, emotional, intellectual, language, moral, personal, physical, professional, sexual, social, spiritual)

"He oversees product development."
(product, software, website, business, property, real estate)

"She has a degree in adolescent development."
(adolescent, child)

"This is an exciting development for the company."
(exciting, important, major, significant)

"We're excited about the latest developments in technology."
(latest, new, recent)

"We just moved near the housing development."
(housing, residential, business, commercial)

Used with verbs:

"The city will aid the development of new housing."
(aid, allow, assist, encourage, enhance, facilitate, foster, promote, stimulate, support)

"Is it possible for us to accelerate development?"
(accelerate, speed up)

"Teachers influence the academic development of their students."
(influence, guide, shape, initiate)

"Medication can delay development of certain diseases."
(delay, halt, hinder, inhibit, prevent, slow, restrict)

"Our state will undergo massive developments."

"Who will finance the development?"

"He will lead the development of software technology."
(lead, oversee, track)

Used with nouns:

"Our company is working on a development plan."
(plan, project)

"Take a look at the development budget."
(budget, funds, costs)

"We need development assistance."
(assistance, aid)

"We are in the development phase."

"He works for a development company."
(company, firm, agency, organization)

"The project is being reviewed by the development committee."
(committee, department, office)

Used with prepositions:

"Good nutrition during child development is very important."

"A new version of this software is in development."
(in, under)

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