How to Use "Direction" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words direction (n): the path that someone or something is moving towards; guidance or supervision; instructions on how to do something or how to get somewhere


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Used with adjectives:

"We are going in the same direction."
(same, opposite, reverse, right, wrong, general)

"Our lives are going in different directions."
(different, opposing, separate)

"The airplane is flying in a downward direction."
(downward, upward, horizontal, vertical)

"Move the clock hand in a clockwise direction."

"He started falling in a backward direction."
(backward, forward)

"The government is taking a new direction."

"The company is headed in a positive direction."
(positive, promising)

"He lacks clear direction in his life."

"The future direction of the company is excellent."

"He gave clear directions."
(clear, good, precise, specific, step-by-step, easy-to-follow)

"Do you need driving directions?"

"I followed the online directions."
(online, label)

Used with verbs:

"Do you know which direction to take?"

"The runner changed direction."
(changed, reversed, switched)

"We are going in the wrong direction."
(be + going in, be + heading in, be + moving in, be + traveling in)

"The dog came from that direction."
(came from, came in)

"She is facing the wrong direction."
(be + facing)

"The boss glanced in my direction."
(glanced in, looked in, nodded in, pointed in)

"Please point me in the right direction."

"Teachers can influence the direction of children's futures."
(influence, shape, affect)

"Profit numbers will determine the direction of the company."
(determine, indicate)

"She lacks direction in her life."

"We need to ask for directions."
(ask for, get)

"Please give clear directions."
(give, provide)

Used with prepositions:

"We heard a noise from that direction."

"Go in this direction."

"She has no sense of direction."

"She is working under the direction of the vice president."

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