How to Use "Display" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words display (n): a visual collection; a public show


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Used with adjectives:

"The store has an attractive display in the window."
(attractive, beautiful, colorful, dazzling, excellent, fine, good, interesting, stunning, eye-catching)

"Did you see the special display in the courtyard?"
(special, public, permanent, temporary)

"The visual display includes many colors."

"Most stores have an in-store display."
(in-store, wall, window, store)

"I'm not comfortable with public displays of affection."
(public, open)

Used with verbs:

"The museum had a display of his artwork."
(had, featured, arranged, created, showed, included)

"Each class will create a historical display."
(create, put on)

"Did you see their display?"
(see, view, witness)

Used with nouns:

"It's near the display case."
(case, rack, shelf, stand, window, area)

Used with prepositions:

"The paintings are on display."

"She loves showing public displays of affection."

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