How to Use "Distribution" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words distribution (n): the act of giving or supplying to people or businesses


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Used with adjectives:

"There seems to be a fair distribution of wealth."
(fair, unfair, equal, unequal, even, uneven)

"We hope for broad distribution of our products."
(broad, wide)

"Local distribution is down."
(local, national, global, regional, worldwide, general, overall)

"The focus is on income distribution."
(income, wealth)

"Make sure there is equal weight distribution in the truck."

"We are no longer offering free distribution of our magazines."
(free, exclusive)

"How can we ensure proper distribution of our products?"

"Our company is in retail distribution."
(retail, wholesale)

Used with verbs:

"The goal is to achieve wide distribution."
(achieve, ensure, have)

"We need to examine the overall distribution of our products."
(examine, investigate, observe, determine)

"He will control the distribution of our goods in Asia."
(control, handle, organize)

"Will they allow the distribution of this film in other countries?"

Used with prepositions:

"They control the distribution of goods across America."
(across, throughout)

"His donation is for fair distribution among the local schools."
(among, between)

"The care packages are for distribution overseas."

"The blankets are for distribution to homeless shelters."

Used with nouns:

"Have you seen the distribution agreement?"
(agreement, arrangement, deal, list)

"The accountant will tell you the distribution costs."

"He knows the distribution method."
(method, process, system, operation, business, company, industry)

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Next Word by Letter: district
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