How to Use "Easy" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words easy (adj): not difficult; done without effort or problems


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Used with verbs:

"This assignment is easy."
(be: is/am/are, looks, seems, sounds)

"Speaking English gets easier with practice."
(gets, becomes)

"The internet makes research easy."

"I find math homework easy."

Used with adverbs:

"This test is very easy."
(very, extremely, fairly, especially)

"It is increasingly easy to find all kinds of information on the internet."
(increasingly, surprisingly)

"It is easy enough for my child to understand."

"My teacher is relatively easy to understand."
(relatively, reasonably)

"Getting his help is not exactly easy."
(not exactly, not apparently)

Used with prepositions:

"This test was not easy for her."

"Does it seem easy to you?"
(to, for)

Used with nouns:

"My apartment is an easy walk from school."
(walk, drive, ride, stroll)

"Giving her the job was an easy choice."
(choice, decision, option, solution, answer)

"This is an easy problem to solve."

"This hike was not an easy feat."
(feat, journey, climb, route)

"Math is not an easy subject for many people."
(subject, task, thing)

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