How to Use "Effect" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words effect (n): the result of something happening; the sound in film or theater to a make something look real


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Used with adjectives:

"The main effect of studying more is better grades."
(main, major, likely, possible)

"After school tutors had a strong effect on test scores."
(strong, powerful, important)

"Punishing the students had minimal effect on their behavior."
(minimal, no visible, no measureable)

"Smoking has a harmful effect on your health."
(harmful, negative, serious, damaging, adverse)

"His argument had the opposite effect on them."
(the opposite, the desired, an unintended, an immediate)

"This plan will have a lasting effect on the community."
(lasting, long-term, permanent, positive)

"The music had a calming effect on the babies."

"This chemical has a toxic effect on the environment."
(toxic, poisonous, harmful)

"The overall effect of the scene was sad."

"The filming location created a dramatic effect."
(dramatic, powerful)

"The movie didn't have the desired effect on the audience."
(desired, intended)

"She turned off the lights for maximum effect."

"The special effects in this movie were excellent."
(special, sound, lighting, visual)

Used with verbs:

"This medicine has a calming effect."
(has, produces)

"The aspirin took effect quickly."

"My teacher explained the effects of not studying."
(explained, described, illustrated)

"You may feel strong effects from this medicine."
(feel, experience, suffer from)

"She slowly recovered from the effects of the accident."
(recovered from)

"The scientist studied the effects of a bad diet."
(studied, tested, analyzed, examined, observed)

"There is no way to avoid the negative side effects of this medicine."
(avoid, prevent)

"The effects of the disaster occurred quickly."
(occurred, spread, disappeared, wore off)

"The effect of this medicine differs greatly."
(differs, varies)

"The effects of this illness may last a long time."
(last, continue)

"Laughter spoiled the intended effect."
(spoiled, ruined)

Used with prepositions:

"The rain had a positive effect on the harvest."

"She paused for dramatic effect."

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