How to Use "Effort" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words effort (n): the mental or physical energy used to do something; an attempt


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Used with adjectives:

"Getting a good grade in this class takes minimal effort."
(minimal, extra, constant, much)

"You don't need to make much physical effort at this job."
(physical, mental)

"She made a special effort to look nice."
(special, extra, great, huge, major)

"The man made a heroic effort to rescue the dog from the fire."
(heroic, brave, courageous)

"She made a final effort to convince him to come to dinner."
(final, last, last-ditch)

"I have to make a conscious effort to eat well."
(conscious, continual, ongoing)

"He made a serious effort to help her."
(serious, real, sincere, genuine)

"He made a failed effort at meeting his deadline."
(failed, unsuccessful)

"The project was a collective effort between the students and the teacher."
(collective, joint, cooperative, combined, team)

Used with verbs:

"Getting good grades takes a lot of effort for some people."
(takes, requires, needs)

"I hope I am not wasting my effort."

"She made a lot of effort to get a good test score."
(made, put in, gave)

"Lots of effort goes into mastering a language."
(goes into)

"He increased his efforts to learn English."
(increased, expanded, continued)

"Parents led a new effort to change school policies on bullying."
(led, initiated, supported, opposed)

"We need to combine our efforts to get this done."
(combine, organize, focus)

"She abandoned her efforts to find the dog."
(abandoned, redirected)

"They praised his effort to save the baby."
(praised, rewarded, applauded, appreciated)

"The rain hindered efforts to fix the road."
(hindered, derailed, frustrated)

"Their efforts to change the law failed."
(failed, fell short)

"His efforts earned him a college degree."
(earned him, resulted in)

"He succeeded in his efforts to become vice president of the company."

Used with prepositions:

"The policy was changed through the efforts of many students."
(though, with)

"The rule was made in an effort to stop school-wide cheating."

"She completed the race without a lot of effort."
(without, with)

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