How to Use "Employee" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words employee (n): someone who is paid money for working


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Used with adjectives:

"He is a salaried employee."
(salaried, hourly)

"This company has 50 full-time employees."
(full-time, part-time, permanent, seasonal, temporary)

"Her boss thinks she is a hard-working employee."
(hard-working, dedicated, valuable)

"The company held a workshop for new employees."

"This company has many skilled employees."
(skilled, unskilled, blue-collar, white-collar)

"I asked my fellow employees about the new policy."

"Public employees will receive a raise this year."
(public, city, state, federal, government)

Used with verbs:

"The company has too many employees in this office."

"The company wants to hire more employees."

"I have to train new employees on the policies."
(train, educate)

"He always pays the employees on time."

"We may have to fire a lot of employees this year if sales don't improve."
(fire, lay off, terminate, get rid of, let go)

"The employees worked late to finish the project."
(worked, stayed)

"Few employees perform this task well."
(perform, do)

"Many employees quit recently."
(quit, left, retired, resigned)

"The employees complained to the company about working conditions."
(complained to, sued)

Used with nouns:

"This company offers good employee benefits."
(benefits, discounts, incentives, pensions, bonuses)

"The managers discussed ways to increase employee performance."
(performance, productivity, morale, satisfaction)

"The employee handbook contains many rules."

"There are many laws that deal with employee rights."
(rights, discrimination)

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