How to Use "End" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words end (n): the furthest or last and final part of something


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Used with adjectives:

"He held the bottom end of the board."
(bottom, lower, top, upper, higher)

"She sat at the opposite end of the table."
(opposite, other)

"The house is at the very end of the street."
(very, far)

"I need the tool with the square end."
(square, round, sharp, pointed, flat, dull)

"He jumped into the shallow end of the pool."
(shallow, deep)

"Their house is on the west end of town."
(west, western, south, southern, north, northern, east, eastern)

"The game came to a sudden end."
(sudden, abrupt, early, untimely)

"The movie came to a dramatic end."
(dramatic, tragic)

Used with verbs:

"She walked until she reached the end of the path."
(reached, came to, got to)

"I just cut the ends of my hair."
(cut, trimmed)

"Can you tie the ends of the string together?"
(tie, join, knot)

"He grabbed both ends and pulled."
(grabbed, took, grasped)

"I need to attach this end to something."
(attach, connect)

"We were very tired as we approached the end of the trip."
(approached, neared)

"I cannot see the end of this movie because it is too scary."
(see, watch, catch)

"The teachers want to put an end to cheating on tests."

"They announced an end to the war."
(announced, declared, called for, demanded)

"The students celebrated the end of the school year."
(celebrated, awaited)

"The bell marked the end of the school day."
(marked, meant, signaled)

Used with nouns:

"We got a new end table for the living room."

"I need to find the end part of this tool."
(part, piece, portion, section, cap)

"He ran the ball into the end zone."

"The owners were happy with the end result."
(result, product)

Used with prepositions:

"She lives at the end of a dirt road."

"She made a mark on the end of the board."

"I have to finish this assignment by the end of class."
(by, before)

"I got bored toward the end of the lecture."

"He won't get paid until the end of the week."

Study Vocabulary Words end (v): to stop or finish


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Used with adverbs:

"Class suddenly ended when the fire alarm went off."
(suddenly, abruptly)

"The rain eventually ended."
(eventually, finally)

"This will probably end badly."
(badly, unhappily, poorly, tragically)

"The movie ended happily."
(happily, tragically)

"They quickly ended the game when it got dark."

Used with prepositions:

"The plan ended in disaster."

"The movie ended with an explosion."

Used with nouns:

"Their marriage ended badly."
(marriage, romance, relationship, friendship)

"The sale ends tomorrow."
(sale, season, school year, semester)

"The year ended quietly."
(year, decade, era, century)

"The fighting ended suddenly."
(fighting, battle, war, conflict)

"They are working to end poverty."
(poverty, racism, hunger, slavery, violence)

"The meeting ended late."
(meeting, talks, session, class, lecture)

"He ended the call abruptly."
(call, argument, conversation)

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