How to Use "Error" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words error (n): something wrong or incorrect; a mistake


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Used with adjectives:

"He made a major error on the test."
(major, great, serious, significant)

"Caesar's fatal error was trusting Brutus."
(fatal, final)

"I keep making careless errors today."
(careless, small, minor, insignificant)

"She made an embarrassing error in front of her boss."
(embarrassing, unfortunate)

"He has to learn from his past errors in business."
(past, previous)

"There are many spelling errors in this paper."
(spelling, grammatical, typing, grammar)

"That statement contains a factual error."
(factual, common)

"A random error is causing the problem."
(random, systematic, common)

"He makes too many clerical errors."
(clerical, medical, administrative, basic)

"The crash was the result of human error."
(human, mechanical)

Used with verbs:

"He made many errors in the debate."
(made, committed)

"His error caused the team to lose."

"This report contains many errors."
(contains, has)

"She found an error in my paper."
(found, pointed out, caught, spotted, discovered, showed me)

"I realized a major error on my test after I turned it in."

"I think I fixed any major errors in my assignment."
(fixed, corrected)

"This system should help us reduce errors."
(reduce, prevent, avoid)

"She is trying not to repeat the same errors she made on the last assignment."

"The factual error resulted from bad research."

"Her errors occurred because she was tired."
(occurred, happened)

Used with nouns:

"We need a system that will enhance error detection."
(detection, correction)

"An error message appears every time I click this."

"There is a high error rate in the last assignment."

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