How to Use "Especially" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words especially (adv): very much; more with one thing than with others


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Used with adjectives:

"He is especially smart at thinking of good ideas."
(smart, talented, skilled)

"This movie has been especially enjoyable."
(enjoyable, interesting, exciting, popular)

"My mom has been an especially important person in my life."
(important, influential, significant)

"Baby animals are especially vulnerable."
(vulnerable, sensitive, weak)

"This dish looks especially tasty."
(tasty, enjoyable, delicious)

"This mistake is especially regrettable."
(regrettable, annoying, shocking, noticeable)

"His achievement is especially remarkable."
(remarkable, memorable, noteworthy, impressive)

"This storm is especially powerful."
(powerful, dramatic, intense, large)

"This assignment is especially easy."
(easy, difficult, challenging)

"The mountain climb is especially dangerous."
(dangerous, risky)

Used with verbs:

"He especially appreciated her help."
(appreciated, remembered, welcomed)

"I especially enjoy classical music."
(enjoy, like, love, listen to)

"My teacher especially encourages participation in class."
(encourages, emphasizes, demands, expects)

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