How to Use "Establish" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words establish (v): to start or create; to become known or accepted; to make certain


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Used with adverbs:

"The project was initially established in the early part of the century."
(initially, originally, first)

"The United Nations was formally established in 1945."
(formally, officially)

"He has firmly established his position in the organization."
(firmly, securely)

"The rules of the game are not fully established."
(fully, totally, completely)

"They have effectively established new smoking policies on campus."
(effectively, clearly, successfully)

"They have definitely established the timeline of the disaster."
(definitely, finally)

Used with verbs:

"They are attempting to establish new educational standards."
(be + attempting to, be + trying to, be + working to)

"They were able to establish a tech industry in the area."
(be + able to, helped to)

Used with prepositions:

"He has established a reputation as a tough teacher."

Used with nouns:

"Settlers established a trading post at this location."
(settlers, pioneers)

"An alliance was established between the three countries."
(alliance, agreement, treaty)

"They established boundaries between the plots of land."
(boundaries, fences, borders)

"They established their headquarters near the river."
(headquarters, base, town, settlement, offices, business, camp, colony)

"He tried to establish communication between the two sides."
(communication, an agreement, common ground)

"Genghis Khan established a dynasty in Asia."
(dynasty, empire)

"We are working to establish new standards for bilingual education."
(standards, guidelines, rules, procedures, policies, objectives, expectations)

"They established a hierarchy within the organization."
(hierarchy, framework, committee, department)

"She established contact with the new neighbors."
(contact, communication, a connection, friendship)

"He worked hard to establish his position within the company."
(position, reputation, relevance, credibility, identity, importance)

"The lawyers have to establish innocence."
(innocence, guilt, alibis)

"They established a task force to deal with the problem."
(task force, hotline, committee, commission, team)

"The team established their domination over their opponent."
(domination, lead)

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