How to Use "Evening" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words evening (n): the part of the day after the late afternoon; an event that takes place in the evening


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Used with adjectives:

"We are going to the movies tomorrow evening."
(tomorrow, this)

"We had dinner with my parents yesterday evening."
(yesterday, last, the previous)

"It's such a beautiful summer evening."
(summer, fall, autumn, spring, winter)

"There are long evenings in the winter."

"They spent a quiet evening at home."
(quiet, relaxing)

"It is such a warm evening."
(warm, beautiful, cold, cool, dark)

"Many animals came out in the early evening."
(early, late)

"Can we meet tomorrow? I'm busy the next evening."
(next, following)

"He spent the entire evening doing homework."
(entire, whole)

"We had an enjoyable evening at a concert."
(enjoyable, fun, memorable, perfect, pleasant)

Used with verbs:

"We spent the evening watching a movie."
(spent, passed)

"They started their evening with dinner."
(started, began, ended)

"I enjoy a quiet evening at home."
(enjoy, love, like, want, need)

"The bad weather spoiled their evening."
(spoiled, ruined, ended)

"As the evening wore on, he found it harder to stay awake."
(wore on, progressed)

"They opened the evening with some music."
(opened, began, started)

Used with nouns:

"We were enjoying the evening moon."
(moon, breeze, air)

"The evening light was beautiful."
(light, sky, star)

"They went for an evening walk around the lake."
(walk, stroll, jog, run, ride)

"He has to work the evening shift today."

"I am taking an evening class."
(class, course, workshop)

"An accident affected the evening rush hour."
(rush hour, commute)

"The story was on the evening news."

"I bought a new evening gown for the opera."
(gown, dress)

Used with prepositions:

"I'm busy in the evening."
(in, for, during)

"We dressed up for our evening out."

"We can meet on Friday evening."

"It's scheduled for the evening of May 12."

Previous Word by Letter: even
Next Word by Letter: event
Previous Word by Frequency: escape
Next Word by Frequency: excitement

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