How to Use "Eventually" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words eventually (adv): at the end; finally


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Used with adjectives:

"I hope our efforts will eventually be successful."
(successful, victorious l)

Used with verbs:

"They eventually decided on a new club president."
(decided on, chose, picked, settled on)

"I will eventually finish this project."
(finish, complete)

"We eventually arrived at our destination."
(arrived at, reached)

"After a long race, he eventually won."
(won, succeeded, surrendered, lost)

"They may eventually release the prisoner."
(release, free)

"I will eventually return to Vietnam."
(return to, visit)

"The army eventually defeated the enemy."
(defeated, destroyed)

"He will eventually discover his error."
(discover, find, spot, notice, realize, fix)

Previous Word by Letter: event
Next Word by Letter: ever
Previous Word by Frequency: effective
Next Word by Frequency: exactly

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