How to Use "Evidence" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words evidence (n): information that helps prove something is true; proof


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Used with adjectives:

"They have considerable evidence of his guilt."
(considerable, ample, substantial, plentiful, sufficient)

"There is growing evidence of global warming."
(growing, increasing, widespread)

"There is clear evidence that the students cheated."
(clear, powerful, solid, strong, good, overwhelming, conclusive)

"She has little evidence to back up her claim."
(little, limited, inadequate, concrete, direct, firm, physical, credible)

"We can't make a decision based on available evidence."
(available, current, present)

"He accused them of hiding important evidence."
(important, crucial, valuable, vital)

"Our decision may change if we receive additional evidence."
(additional, more, new, further, fresh, conflicting)

"The police have a lot of circumstantial evidence."
(circumstantial, conflicting, hard)

"They will present the forensic evidence tomorrow."
(forensic, clinical, DNA, scientific, visual, photographic)

"He admitted to creating false evidence."

Used with verbs:

"We have enough evidence to make a decision."
(have, found, saw)

"They looked for evidence after the crime."
(looked for, searched for, collected, found, gathered, uncovered, discovered, obtained)

"A new witness offered additional evidence in the case."
(offered, provided)

"He gave us evidence of his scientific breakthrough."
(gave, showed)

"We are carefully reviewing all of the evidence."
(reviewing, considering, examining, studying, evaluating, weighing)

"I need to see some evidence before I make a decision."
(see, hear, read)

"The judge decided to allow the evidence."
(allow, admit, exclude, hear)

"They admitted that they destroyed the evidence."
(destroyed, lost, ignored, hid)

"A lot of evidence exists for global warming."

"Additional evidence confirmed our suspicions."
(confirmed, proved, supported)

"The evidence suggests his innocence."
(suggest, points to, indicates, shows)

Used with prepositions:

"He presented a lot of evidence for his claim."

"We are looking for evidence of life on other planets."

"The attorney presented DNA as evidence of the defendant's guilt."

Used with nouns:

"The police didn't have a piece of evidence."
(piece, shred)

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