How to Use "Exit" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words exit (n): the way out; the act of leaving; a place for traffic to leave the highway


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Used with adjectives:

"They left through the back exit."
(back, rear, side, east, south, west, north)

"I will wait by the main exit."
(main, airport, school)

"We need to find the emergency exit."
(emergency, fire)

"I'm heading for the nearest exit."
(nearest, closest)

"She thinks this house has a secret exit."
(secret, hidden)

"He was embarrassed and made a sudden exit."
(sudden, abrupt, quick, hasty, fast, rapid, swift, early)

"Extra gates will be opened to allow for an easy exit after the show."
(easy, quick, fast, quick)

"She made a dramatic exit from the stage."
(dramatic, graceful, grand)

"She will get off at the next exit."
(next, first, freeway, highway, interstate)

Used with verbs:

"We headed for the exit."
(headed for, made for, ran for, rushed for)

"They finally reached the exit."
(reached, found)

"The police blocked the exit."
(blocked, blocked off, guarded, watched, sealed, sealed off)

"They made a quick exit from the building."

"We will take the next exit."
(take, get off at)

Used with nouns:

"They need to replace the exit sign."

"The exit door is well marked."
(door, gate)

"We planned an exit route."

"We are debating the proper exit strategy."
(strategy, plan)

"He has to complete an exit interview before graduation."
(interview, exam)

"Her car broke down on the exit ramp."

Used with prepositions:

"He made his way toward the exit."
(toward, towards, to)

"There is only one exit from this room."

"She found an exit to the street."

"The driver missed the exit for the airport."
(for, to)

Study Vocabulary Words exit (v): to leave


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Used with nouns:

"She needs some help to exit the car."
(car, bus, vehicle, train, airplane)

"We exited the elevator and admired the view."

"They are waiting for him to exit the room."
(room, restroom, building)

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