How to Use "Expert" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words expert (n): a person with special knowledge and skills in a specific job or activity


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Used with adjectives:

"We consulted a leading expert in the field."
(leading, real, recognized, qualified)

"An international expert on economics will be speaking tonight."
(international, global, world)

"We asked a local expert to investigate the matter."
(local, independent, outside)

"A financial expert will review our results."
(financial, computer, health, computer, legal, marketing, scientific, technical)

Used with verbs:

"They will ask an expert before making a decision."
(ask, consult, talk to, seek advice from)

"We need to hire an expert to help with this project."

"Health experts advise getting regular exercise."
(advise, recommend, suggest)

"International financial experts agree that the crisis isn't over."
(agree, argue, believe, claim, fear, think)

Used with prepositions:

"She's an expert at finding ways to avoid work."

"We consulted an expert in European history."
(in, on)

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