How to Use "Explanation" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words explanation (n): a statement to make things more clear; a reason given why something happened


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Used with adjectives:

"The logical explanation is that he forgot."
(logical, likely, natural, rational, obvious)

"He gave a credible explanation for being late."
(credible, convincing, logical, acceptable, adequate, reasonable, satisfactory)

"She gave me an unacceptable explanation for not coming to class."
(unacceptable, unlikely, inadequate)

"The assignment should need no further explanation."
(no further)

"There was no apparent explanation for her absence."
(no apparent)

"The professor gave a clear explanation of the assignment."
(clear, easy, simple)

"He gave me a detailed explanation of the process."
(detailed, complete, comprehensive, full)

"She provided a convenient explanation for not finishing her assignment."

"There are a number of possible explanations for this."
(possible, alternative, common)

"The official explanation seems unlikely."

"She gave a brief explanation of the cause."
(brief, lengthy, long, general, partial)

"This is the only explanation that makes sense."

"They detailed many political explanations for the crisis."
(political, cultural, historical, scientific, technical, theoretical)

Used with verbs:

"I have no explanation for being late."

"He offered two explanations for the situation."
(offered, gave, provided)

"This plan requires a detailed explanation."
(requires, needs)

"The teacher demanded an explanation of the students' actions."
(demanded, asked for, waited for)

"She deserves a good explanation."

"I owe him a better explanation."

"I never received an explanation."
(received, got)

"His explanation suggests he doesn't really understand."
(suggests, shows, indicates)

Used with prepositions:

"He quit his job without explanation."

"They gave a long explanation about their reasons for leaving."
(about, of)

"She's still waiting for an explanation from her friend."

"He gave a brief explanation for being late."

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