How to Use "Fact" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words fact (n): something that is true


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Used with adjectives:

"We need to consider all of the important facts."
(important, relevant)

"She told me some interesting facts."
(interesting, fascinating)

"They are looking at the hard facts in this case."
(hard, concrete, true, undeniable, obvious, plain)

"We are reading about the harsh facts of the Civil War."
(harsh, sad, unpleasant, bare)

"He detailed the known facts of his research."
(known, proven)

"It is a well-known fact that his statement is untrue."
(well-known, little-known)

"The mere fact that you called shows you care."

"They are investigating the historical facts of the case."
(historical, scientific)

Used with verbs:

"We know the facts in this case."
(know, have, be + aware of, understand)

"Good reporters always check their facts."

"We should consider all the facts before making a decision."
(consider, examine, look at)

"He hasn't yet proven the facts."
(proven, established)

"They are gathering all of the facts needed."
(be + gathering, be + collecting)

"She presented the facts she had."
(presented, stated, gave, reported)

"She couldn't explain the facts that disagreed with her claim."
(explain, account for)

"It's time for him to face the facts and move on."
(face, recognize, accept, acknowledge)

"I appreciate the fact that you're trying so hard."

"They can't seem to learn the basic facts of this process."
(learn, grasp, understand)

"He always wants to deny the facts."
(deny, dispute, forget, ignore, overlook)

"They managed to hide the facts until it was too late."
(hide, conceal, disguise)

"This does not change the fact that they lied."

"This movie is based on historical facts."
(be + based on)

Used with prepositions:

"He tried to take credit after the fact."

"We are examining the facts about global warming."

"He argued that he was right despite the fact he knew nothing about the situation."
(despite, in spite of)

"We were not surprised by the results given the facts of the case."
(given, due to)

"She said she had completed the project but in fact she didn't."

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