How to Use "Farm" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words farm (n): a large piece of land used for growing crops or and raising animals


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Used with adjectives:

"He owns a large farm."
(large, big, small, little)

"We bought the apples from a local farm."
(local, nearby, neighboring, private, organic)

"He will take over the family farm."

"They visited a traditional farm."
(traditional, commercial, factory, industrial)

"The students toured a pig farm."
(pig, dairy, sheep, tree, turkey, chicken)

Used with verbs:

"They own a small farm."
(own, have)

"He manages a pig farm."
(manages, operates, runs, works on, works at)

"They are trying to start an organic farm."
(start, establish, set up)

"She lives on her family's farm."
(lives, resides, was raised)

"He will inherit the family farm."
(inherit, take over)

"The students visited a local farm."
(visited, toured)

"Their farm is located outside Chicago."
(be + located, lies)

"This farm grows a lot of corn."
(grows, produces)

Used with nouns:

"He sells his farm products at the market each week."
(products, produce)

"The children had never seen farm animals before."

"She does a lot of farm work before school every day."
(work, chores)

"We toured the farm buildings."

"Be careful around farm machinery."
(machinery, equipment)

"They want to increase farm subsidies."

"Farm production was down this year."
(production, exports)

"They learned about farm life on the fieldtrip."

"We drove through a lot of farm country today."
(country, communities, towns)

Used with prepositions:

"She lived on a farm her whole life."

"The cow escaped from a nearby farm."

"They saw cattle at a local farm."

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