How to Use "Finding" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words finding (n): information that is discovered as a result of research


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Used with adjectives:

"We're learning about the important findings of the study."
(important, key, significant, main, general)

"His findings were very interesting."
(interesting, surprising, unexpected, positive)

"The early findings weren't very useful."
(early, initial, original)

"He disagrees with the new findings."
(new, recent)

"This report presents his scientific findings."
(scientific, clinical, experimental, research, survey)

Used with verbs:

"We're supposed to record our findings."
(record, write down)

"He will announce his findings at the meeting."
(announce, present, give, report)

"They published the findings of the study."
(published, released, revealed)

"I need to explain his findings."
(explain, interpret, examine)

"They won't comment on the new findings."
(comment on, discuss)

"Other studies have confirmed the findings."
(confirmed, contradicted, challenged, supported, replicated)

"The findings were based on many factors."
(be + based on)

"His findings suggest the need for more research."
(suggest, imply, indicate, point toward, confirm)

"The findings will lead to changes in the process."
(lead to, result in)

Used with prepositions:

"We are reading new findings about global warming."
(about, on)

"He questioned the findings from the recent study."

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