How to Use "Firm" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words firm (n): a business organization or company


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Used with adjectives:

"She works for a large firm."
(large, big, major, medium-sized, small)

"He left a prestigious firm to start his own company."
(prestigious, established, successful, well-known)

"They all work for the family firm."
(family, local)

"He works with international firms."
(international, foreign, multinational)

"He runs an accounting firm."
(accounting, consulting, law, engineering, marketing)

Used with verbs:

"They are starting a law firm this year."
(be + starting, be + launching, be + setting up)

"He founded the firm ten years ago."
(founded, established)

"She manages a local accounting firm."
(manages, heads, runs)

"Her engineering firm was bought by a major corporation."
(bought, acquired, taken over)

"They made the decision to close the firm."

"She joined the firm last week."
(joined, left, quit)

"The firm employs many people."

"The firm is expanding rapidly."
(be + expanding, be + growing)

"His firm specializes in environmental work."
(specializes in)

"The firm is based in Los Angeles."
(be + based, operates)

Study Vocabulary Words firm (adj): solid or strong; not likely to change; strict


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Used with verbs:

"This bed is pretty firm."
(be: is/am/are, feels, seems)

"Put the butter in the fridge so it will stay firm."
(stay, remain)

"Exercise will make your muscles firm."
(make, keep)

"She held firm on her position."
(held, stayed, remained)

"His answer sounds pretty firm."
(sounds, be: is/am/are)

Used with adverbs:

"My new pillows are quite firm."
(quite, extremely, very, fairly, rather)

Used with prepositions:

"He is quite firm with his students."

"She stands firm on her principles."

Used with nouns:

"That is a firm decision."
(decision, offer, order, commitment)

"He took a firm stance on the issue."
(stance, position, stand)

"She is a firm believer in creativity in the classroom."

"We don't have any firm evidence."
(evidence, support)

"He maintained a firm grasp on the railing."
(grasp, grip)

"He uses a firm voice with his dog."
(voice, tone)

"He provided firm guidance to the students."
(guidance, discipline, instruction, leadership)

"I can't make a firm prediction yet."
(prediction, recommendation, diagnosis, decision)

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