How to Use "Follow" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words follow (v): go behind someone; to come after someone; to happen after; to happen as a result; to accept instructions or advice; to understand


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Used with adverbs:

"His teammates followed closely behind."

"She reluctantly followed him through the dark halls."
(reluctantly, blindly)

"The dog obediently followed her."
(obediently, dutifully)

"They silently followed their teacher out of the room."
(silently, quietly, slowly)

"More details will follow soon."
(soon, shortly, quickly)

"The disaster was immediately followed by chaos."
(immediately, directly, instantly)

"He naturally followed in his father's footsteps."

"Please follow the directions carefully."

Used with verbs:

"She beckoned them to follow her."

"Students are expected to follow these rules."
(be + excepted to)

Used with nouns:

"Consequences will follow."
(consequences, punishment)

"Silence followed her announcement."
(silence, disappointment)

"The path was easy to follow."
(path, trail, route, road, directions)

"Her gaze followed him around the room."
(gaze, eyes)

"They are trying to follow the agenda."
(agenda, itinerary, schedule, timetable)

"It is difficult to follow these plans."
(plans, blueprints, guidelines, recommendations, instructions, policies, suggestions, directions)

"I really can't follow his reasoning."
(reasoning, argument, logic)

"He follows the same routine every day."
(routine, ritual)

"Her parents encouraged her to follow her dreams."
(dream, conscience, instincts, heart, intuition)

"I'm trying to follow his lead."
(lead, example)

"You need to follow the law."
(law, sign, rules)

"They try to follow local customs."
(customs, traditions, values)

"She followed the recipe exactly."
(recipe, formula, format, pattern, order, method)

"It isn't hard to follow this map."
(map, route, course)

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