How to Use "Food" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words food (n): things people or animals eat


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Used with adjectives:

"He complimented her on the delicious food."
(delicious, excellent, good, great, tasty, wonderful)

"She made his favorite food for his birthday."

"I really need to get some real food."
(real, proper, healthy, nutritious)

"Her family does not have enough food."

"She's learning to cook basic foods."
(basic, everyday, simple, traditional, comfort)

"She really enjoys exotic foods."
(exotic, foreign, specialty, fine, gourmet)

"He eats a lot of unhealthy food."
(unhealthy, cheap, fast, snack, junk, take-out, processed)

"They always have leftover food."

"They threw away a lot of rotten food."

"She buys a lot of health food."
(health, fresh, organic, natural)

"They stocked up on frozen foods."
(frozen, dry, canned)

"She gained weight from eating fatty foods."
(fatty, fried, high-fat, high-calorie, rich, sweet, sugary)

"He loves spicy food."

"They had Mexican food for dinner."
(Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Italian, southern)

"The baby is not ready for solid food."

"We need to buy more cat food."
(cat, dog, fish, pet)

"They complained about the hospital food."
(hospital, prison)

Used with verbs:

"I ate too much food last night."
(ate, consumed, had, ordered)

"She loves Mexican food."
(loves, likes, enjoys)

"He lives on fast food."
(lives on)

"She is avoiding fatty foods."
(be + avoiding, be + cutting back on, be + cutting out)

"You can't live without food for very long."
(live without, go without, be without, survive without)

"They are trying to offer healthier foods."
(offer, serve)

"The Red Cross provided food after the disaster."
(provided, supplied)

"She tries to feed her kids good food."
(feed, give)

"She's learning to cook new foods."
(cook, make, prepare)

"He only picks at his food."
(picks at, plays with)

"I can almost taste my grandmother's food right now."
(taste, smell)

"They grow their own food."
(grow, produce)

"That country imports food from all over the world."

"They had to beg for food."
(beg, hunt, look, search)

"Their food finally arrived."
(arrived, came)

Used with nouns:

"They provided food supplies to those affected by the disaster."

"We learned about the food groups in school."
(groups, chain)

"They are concerned about food quality."
(quality, safety, consumption, intake)

"She has a severe food allergy."

"There was a food crisis after the hurricane."
(crisis, shortage)

"He works for a major food producer."
(producer, company, manufacturer, supplier)

"Food prices are going up."
(prices, bills)

"She got food poisoning from that restaurant."

"He uses a food processor to make salsa."

Used with prepositions:

"They went many days without food."

"These are grown for food."
(for, as)

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