How to Use "Former" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words former (adj): previous or prior; in the past


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Used with nouns:

"They are trying to improve relations with their former ally."
(ally, territory, foe, enemy, rival)

"He met with a former ambassador."
(ambassador, diplomat, president, governor, leader, mayor, senator, congressman, congresswoman)

"She's still waiting for pay from her former employer."

"He still receives presents from his former students."
(students, pupils)

"He ran into a former girlfriend."
(girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, friend, colleague, associate, partner)

"She had to list all former homes on the application."
(addresses, residences)

"The former executives of the company still have some power."
(executives, chairmen, chief executives, leaders, owners)

"She spoke highly of her former teacher."
(teacher, instructor, professor)

"It isn't always easy for a former felon to find a job."
(felon, prisoner, inmate, convict)

"She tried to find the former occupants of her house."
(occupants, residents)

"They want to restore the hotel to its former greatness."
(greatness, grandeur)

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