How to Use "Fortune" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words fortune (n): luck; prediction of the future; wealth


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Used with adjectives:

"She's had a streak of good fortune."
(good, bad, ill)

"This year saw declining fortunes for the company."
(declining, changing, fluctuating, mixed)

"Their economic fortunes have not been good."
(economic, political)

"He comes from a family with a large fortune."
(large, considerable, vast, enormous, great)

"He uses his family fortune to his advantage."
(family, personal)

Used with verbs:

"He has good fortune on his side."

"A four-leaf clover is supposed to bring good fortune."

"They are hoping to reverse their bad fortunes."
(reverse, boost, improve, revive)

"He knows his fortune can change quickly."
(change, decline, fall)

"They hope their fortunes will improve."
(improve, rise)

"She was told her fortune by a fortune-teller."
(told, read)

"They made a great fortune through real estate."
(made, accumulated, acquired, amassed, built, earned)

"He won a fortune in the lottery."

"He inherited his fortune from his grandfather."

"She left her fortune to charity."

"He lost his fortune by gambling."

"Gold miners left home to seek fortune."
(seek, find)

"His baseball card collection is worth a fortune now."
(be + worth)

"My textbooks cost a fortune."

"He spends a fortune eating out."

"She paid a fortune for her new car."

Used with prepositions:

"She inherited a fortune from her grandparents."

"He made his fortune in real estate."

"He made a fortune on his investments."

Used with nouns:

"She didn't believe the fortune teller."

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