How to Use "Free" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words free (v): to allow someone or something to leave; to release


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Used with verbs:

"He struggled to free his hands."
(struggled, tried, managed)

Used with prepositions:

"She freed the animals from their cages."

"He was freed of his duties."

Used with nouns:

"They freed the prisoners."
(prisoners, captives, slaves, inmates, hostages)

Study Vocabulary Words free (adj): not controlled by rules; not restricted, trapped, jailed or caged; costing nothing; not being used; not busy


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Used with verbs:

"We are free on Sunday afternoon."
(be: is/am/are)

"He let the hostages go free."
(go, walk)

"They remain free on bail until the trial."

"She set the animals free from their cages."
(set, let)

"The poster is free when you buy the DVD set."
(be: is/am/are, comes)

"This room becomes free in the evenings."
(becomes, be: is/am/are, seems, appears to be)

"We try to keep some appointments free for emergencies."

Used with adverbs:

"Students are completely free to choose a topic for this essay."
(completely, entirely, totally, fairly, reasonably, relatively)

"He couldn't believe he was truly free after two years of imprisonment."

"The class is offered absolutely free."
(absolutely, completely, entirely, totally)

"After the discounts, it's virtually free."

Used with prepositions:

"The museum is free for children."

Used with nouns:

"They want to have free access to the information."

"There is free entertainment at the hotel."
(entertainment, music, wi-fi)

"They gave out free gifts at the event."
(gifts, merchandise, samples)

"He argued for free market policies."
(market, trade, exchange)

"They received free admission into the museum."
(admission, entry)

"Do you have a free hand?"

"She hopes to someday live in a free country."
(country, nation)

"She visited a free clinic to get medical treatment."

"There is free parking on Sundays."

"They went to a free concert last night."
(concert, gig, show, performance)

"Students are eligible for free membership."
(membership, registrations, subscriptions)

"She advocates for free speech."
(speech, choice)

"He won a free trip to New York City."
(trip, vacation)

"The school offers free tuition to good students."

"We never have any free time."

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