How to Use "Funeral" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words funeral (n): a ceremony held after someone dies


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Used with adjectives:

"There will be a family funeral this weekend."
(family, private, public)

"He wanted a church funeral."
(church, Catholic, Jewish, traditional, simple)

"There was an elaborate funeral for the former president."
(elaborate, large)

"The soldier was given a military funeral."

"They can barely afford a proper funeral."
(proper, decent, respectable)

"They attended a mass funeral for the disaster victims."

Used with verbs:

"Many people attended his funeral on Saturday."
(attended, went to, came to)

"He arranged his own funeral before he died."
(arranged, planned)

"The priest performed the funeral."

"They had a small private funeral for their father."
(had, held)

"The funeral will be held on Thursday."
(be held, take place)

Used with nouns:

"The funeral ceremony is on Friday."
(ceremony, service, mass)

"The pastor gave the funeral sermon."
(sermon, speech, prayer)

"The funeral music was very sad."
(music, march)

"Many people watched the funeral procession."

"They met with the funeral director."

"They arrived at the funeral chapel."
(chapel, home, parlor)

"The funeral arrangements are being made."
(arrangements, plans)

"There is a fundraiser to help with funeral costs."
(costs, expenses)

"He is in the funeral business."
(business, industry)

Used with prepositions:

"They sang her favorite song at the funeral."

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