How to Use "Gift" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words gift (n): something you give to someone, usually on a special occasion; natural ability


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Used with adjectives:

"She received a generous gift."
(generous, kind, thoughtful, lovely, special, wonderful)

"He bought an expensive gift for his wife."
(expensive, valuable)

"She brought me a small gift."

"I'm trying to find the perfect gift."

"The order contained a free gift."

"I need to buy a birthday gift."
(birthday, Christmas, holiday, graduation, anniversary, wedding)

"He gave his friend a gag gift."

"She has a great gift for music."
(great, amazing, remarkable, extraordinary)

"He has a rare gift for singing."
(rare, natural, special)

"She should use her artistic gift."
(artistic, musical)

Used with verbs:

"He sent Christmas gifts to his family."

"Make sure you bring a small gift."
(bring, buy)

"They all received gifts on Christmas Eve."
(received, got)

"I need to wrap their gifts."

"She carefully opened her gifts."
(opened, unwrapped)

"He has a natural gift for math."
(has, possesses)

Used with nouns:

"I need to buy more gift wrap."
(wrap, tags)

"I sent a gift basket."
(basket, box, set)

"She got a gift certificate for a massage."
(certificate, card)

"I need some gift ideas."

Used with prepositions:

"I got that as a gift."

"They brought gifts for the children."

"The necklace is a gift from my mother."

"I bought that as a gift to myself."

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