How to Use "Give" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words give (v): to hand something to someone; to deliver; to provide


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Used with nouns:

"Did he give you an answer yet?"

"She gave me her address."
(address, phone number, information)

"Can you give me an example?"
(example, explanation, estimate)

"Please give me a description of the car."
(description, directions)

"Can you give me directions to your house?"

"She's giving an exam tomorrow."
(exam, test, quiz)

"The nurse gave me some medicine."
(medicine, drugs)

"The doctor gave me a prescription."
(prescription, shot, vaccine, vaccination, antibiotic, injection)

"They finally gave us the approval we needed."
(approval, consent)

"Did she give any indication that she was unhappy?"
(indication, hint)

"He gives a lot of donations to charity organizations."
(donations, time, support)

"The president gave a medal to the hero."
(medal, award)

"He gave me some advice."
(advice, encouragement, feedback, guidance, recommendations)

"She finally gave me an apology."

"They gave his idea some attention."
(attention, consideration, thought)

"She gave the dirty dog a bath."
(bath, scrub, wash, shampoo)

"My boss gave me a big bonus."
(bonus, raise, promotion)

"Give me a call tomorrow."

"I gave him two choices."

"They gave me their decision."

"I gave her a good discount."

"The government gave us extra funding."
(funding, help)

"I gave her a hug."
(hug, kiss)

"The news gave him hope."

"He gave a lecture on global warming."
(lecture, talk, speech, presentation, seminar)

"That movie gave me nightmares."

"We gave him plenty of opportunities to improve."
(opportunities, chances)

"The organization gives many scholarships."

"He gave a statement to the police."
(statement, confession)

"They gave him a ticket."
(ticket, warning)

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