How to Use "Ground" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words ground (n): surface of the earth; location used for a specific purpose; area surrounding a large building; area of interest, study or discussion; reason


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Used with adjectives:

"He slept on the firm ground."
(firm, hard, solid, cold)

"She walked carefully across the muddy ground."
(muddy, soft, damp, wet, snowy, frozen, icy)

"The fertile ground produced a good crop."

"We need to move to high ground."

"There is nothing but open ground here."
(open, bare)

"They can't build anything on this rocky ground."
(rocky, uneven, stony, rough, marshy)

"We need to find some level ground."
(level, flat)

"This was once a burial ground."
(burial, sacred)

"They are designating new hunting grounds."
(hunting, fishing)

"This is a protected breeding ground."
(breeding, feeding, nesting, spawning)

"The resort has extensive grounds."
(extensive, large)

"They toured the castle grounds."
(castle, school, palace, hospital, hotel, surrounding, park)

"They are trying to find some middle ground."
(middle, common, neutral)

"He has reasonable grounds to sue."
(reasonable, strong, sufficient, legitimate, valid)

"We must consider the moral grounds of this decision."
(moral, ethical)

"They cited economic grounds for the changes."
(economic, legal, political)

Used with verbs:

"The glass broke when it hit the ground."
(hit, fell to, struck, reached)

"Don't let that touch the ground."

"The balloon was too heavy to leave the ground."
(leave, get off)

"Leaves covered the ground."
(covered, littered)

"She has legitimate grounds for a lawsuit."

"They crossed the palace grounds."
(crossed, entered, walked)

"We already covered this ground."
(covered, went over)

Used with nouns:

"The apartment is at ground level."

Used with prepositions:

"They buried it in the ground."

"He slept on the ground."

"They built a room above the ground."
(above, below)

"There are natural waterways under the ground here."

"His behavior was grounds for a suspension."

Study Vocabulary Words ground (v): to provide a reason for; to keep from leaving the area


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Used with adverbs:

"Her teaching methods are firmly grounded in her students."
(firmly, solidly, thoroughly, well)

"His work has been historically grounded in the minds of his followers."
(historically, scientifically, religiously, politically)

Used with nouns:

"Bad weather grounded the flight."
(flight, helicopter)

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