How to Use "Growth" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words growth (n): an increase; an improvement; an abnormal lump in the body


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Used with adjectives:

"The economy has shown considerable growth this year."
(considerable, significant, strong, dramatic)

"The industry is experiencing enormous growth."
(enormous, impressive, explosive, fast, rapid, real)

"They are planning for long-term growth."
(long-term, future, steady, sustainable)

"We are seeing slow growth in the stock market."
(slow, poor, modest)

"Population growth is happening quickly."

"They are trying to boost economic growth."
(economic, industrial, job)

"Her garden is experiencing healthy growth."
(healthy, normal, new)

"They are worried about their son's abnormal growth."
(abnormal, excessive)

"They are studying bacterial growth."
(bacterial, cell, plant, tumor, muscle, hair)

"She took the class for personal growth."
(personal, intellectual, spiritual)

"They found a cancerous growth."
(cancerous, malignant, benign)

Used with verbs:

"The industry has achieved real growth."
(achieved, experienced)

"They are trying to maintain rapid growth."
(maintain, sustain)

"They are trying to slow population growth."
(slow, control, limit)

"We are working to boost growth."
(boost, encourage, accelerate, promote)

"A good diet should stimulate growth."
(stimulate, encourage)

"She's worried that the medication will stunt her growth."
(stunt, suppress, affect)

"He has a growth on his lung."

Used with nouns:

"They are concerned about the growth rate."

"We are looking at growth potential."
(potential, prospects, patterns)

"Green energy is a growth area."
(area, industry, market)

"They gave him a growth hormone."

"He had a growth spurt in his teenage years."

"The doctor is checking the growth chart."

Used with prepositions:

"There has been rapid growth in that industry."

"They found a growth on her liver."

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