How to Use "Guidance" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words guidance (n): advice; help at solving problems


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Used with adjectives:

"We need some clear guidance on this."
(clear, detailed, proper, specific)

"She provided helpful guidance."
(helpful, useful, valuable, careful, practical)

"Let me know if you need additional guidance."
(additional, further)

"She asked for divine guidance."
(divine, spiritual, moral, ethical)

"I need some expert guidance."
(expert, legal, professional, technical)

"They recommend parental guidance for this movie."

"The school provided career guidance."
(career, vocational)

Used with verbs:

"She gave them guidance on their project."
(gave, offered, provided)

"I could use some guidance on this issue."
(could use, need)

"She asked for guidance to make a tough decision."
(asked for, wanted)

"He looked for guidance from religion."
(looked for, sought)

"She never follows the guidance we give her."
(follows, heeds)

Used with nouns:

"He went to see the guidance counselor."

Used with prepositions:

"She provides guidance about choosing the right college."
(about, on)

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