How to Use "Hand" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words hand (n): part of the body at the end of the arm; help or assistance; a role in a situation


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Used with adjectives:

"He injured his left hand."
(left, right, dominant)

"She has beautiful hands."
(beautiful, delicate, slender, soft)

"He has rough hands."
(rough, callous, firm, strong)

"His shaking hands gave away his nervousness."
(shaking, clammy, sweaty, trembling, unsteady, shaky)

"She made him wash his dirty hands before dinner."
(dirty, filthy, greasy, grimy, sticky)

"Are your hands clean?"

"He grabbed the book with his free hand."

"This task requires a steady hand."
(steady, skilled, expert)

Used with verbs:

"He took her hand and led her into the room."
(took, reached for)

"She grabbed his hand in fear."
(grabbed, grasped, clutched, gripped)

"He held her hand while they waited."
(held, squeezed)

"He shook my hand before leaving."

"I felt his hand on my shoulder."

"She put her hand over her mouth to hide her shock."
(put, slapped)

"The student raised his hand with a question."

"He threw up his hands as a sign of defeat."
(threw up, held up)

"Everyone was clapping their hands with the beat."
(be + clapping)

"She rubbed her hands to warm them up."

"Make sure you wash your hands."
(wash, wipe, clean)

"Her hands shook with fear."
(shook, trembled)

"She ran her hands along the smooth wood."
(ran, moved)

"Can you give me a hand with this?"
(give, lend)

"Do you need a hand?"
(need, want)

"She cupped her hands and whispered in his ear."

Used with nouns:

"He uses a lot of hand gestures when he speaks."
(gestures, signals)

"Is there a hand dryer?"
(dryer, towel)

"He has a lot of hand tools."

"I used a hand mixer to make applesauce."
(mixer, blender)

"The students are making hand puppets."
(puppets, drums)

"I need to buy hand cream."
(cream, lotion, sanitizer, soap)

"He has a hand injury."

Used with prepositions:

"They counted the ballots by hand."

"Reach out with your left hand and you'll find it."

"She grasped the note in her hand."

"He has a huge scar on his left hand."

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