How to Use "Hard" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words hard (adj): solid or stiff; difficult; severe or harsh


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Used with verbs:

"School is getting hard."
(be + getting, be + becoming)

"That couch feels rather hard."
(feels, be: is/am/are, seems, looks)

"Keep that in the fridge so it stays hard."
(stays, remains)

"She always makes things hard for everyone."

"I found the assignment very hard."

Used with adverbs:

"That test was extremely hard."
(extremely, fairly, very, quite, rather)

"The ice cream is a little hard."
(a little, slightly, somewhat)

Used with nouns:

"The hard bench was not comfortable."
(bench, chair, couch, bed, mattress)

"He hit his head on the hard ground."
(ground, pavement, floor)

"She learned a hard lesson today."

"She had a really hard day."

"That was a hard time for me."
(time, year)

"That was a hard decision."
(decision, choice)

"He asks a lot of hard questions."

"She gave him a hard smack."
(smack, slap, shove, push, punch)

Study Vocabulary Words hard (adv): with great effort


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Used with verbs:

"He laughed hard at the joke."

"He was breathing hard after climbing stairs."
(be + breathing)

"She is concentrating hard on the assignment."
(be + concentrating, be + working)

"He really fought hard."
(fought, campaigned, battled, struggled)

"It is raining really hard."
(be + raining, be + snowing)

"She kicked him hard."
(kicked, hit, slapped, smacked, shoved)

"They have been practicing hard."
(practicing, studying, trying)

"He ran hard to keep up with the group."
(ran, rode, pedaled, trained)

"She cried hard when she heard the news."

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