How to Use "Help" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words help (n): assistance or aid


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Used with adjectives:

"He has been a big help this week."
(big, great, huge, real)

"The agency provides valuable help to those in need."
(valuable, considerable, substantial)

"She offered much-needed help."
(much-needed, additional, extra)

"They operate with volunteer help."

"There is federal help available for those affected by the tragedy."
(federal, international, emergency, immediate)

"I might need some expert help to figure this out."
(expert, skilled, technical, outside, professional)

"He is seeking medical help for the problem."
(medical, financial, legal)

"She tries to give each student individual help."

Used with verbs:

"She gets a lot of help from her family."
(gets, receives, has)

"They are asking for help with the clean-up."
(be + asking for, be + requesting, be + seeking)

"He heard someone calling for help."
(calling for, screaming for, shouting for, yelling for)

"They sent for help."
(sent for, brought, found, got)

"Do you need any help?"
(need, want)

"He won't accept any help."

"They refused our help."

"A lot of people offered to help with the bills."

"We really appreciate all of the help."

"He never acknowledged my help."

"We're waiting for help to arrive."
(arrive, come)

Used with nouns:

"Have you looked at the help menu?"

Used with prepositions:

"I think this situation is beyond help."

"The instructions are too complicated to be of help."

"I think I can do it with a little help."

"I got a lot of help from my classmates."

"There is help available for those affected by the storm."

"He's been a big help to everyone this week."

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Next Word by Letter: helpful
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