How to Use "Home" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words home (n): a place where someone lives or comes from; a house; a place that provides care or service


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Used with adjectives:

"He showed me his childhood home."
(childhood, boyhood, former, old)

"This is his adopted home."
(adopted, current)

"They are trying to find a permanent home for the puppies."
(permanent, temporary, new)

"These animals are in need of a loving home."
(loving, happy, good, safe, stable)

"They are trying to help children from single-parent homes."
(single-parent, broken, divorced)

"They have a beautiful home."
(beautiful, comfortable, nice, luxurious)

"We just want a modest home."
(modest, affordable)

"They are looking at new homes."
(new, existing, old, rental)

"They are building a custom home."

"They found their dream home."

"They have a summer home at the beach."
(summer, winter, weekend, second, vacation)

"She grew up in a mobile home."
(mobile, trailer)

"He helps out at a retirement home."
(retirement, nursing)

"They made arrangements with the funeral home."

Used with verbs:

"He will be away from home for the holidays this year."
(be + away from)

"She left home at an early age."

"They abandoned their homes as the storm approached."
(abandoned, fled)

"We're trying to find a permanent home for these puppies."

"They own a second home in Florida."
(own, have, bought, purchased, built)

"She decorated her home with purchases from antique stores."
(decorated, furnished)

"Their home was destroyed in the storm."
(be + destroyed, be + damaged)

"They run a nursing home."

Used with nouns:

"What's your home address?"
(address, number)

"She's concerned about their home environment."
(environment, life, situation, conditions)

"We're shopping for new home appliances."

"We watched old home movies."
(movies, videos)

"This is designed for home use."
(use, study)

"They're shopping for a home computer."

"This room will be our home office."

"We've tried a lot of home remedies."
(remedies, treatments)

"This ad is geared towards home owners."
(owners, buyers, builders)

"Home sales are up this month."

"We spent a lot on home improvements."
(improvements, repairs, maintenance)

"He was unable to get a home loan."
(loan, mortgage)

Used with prepositions:

"She does a lot of work at home."
(at, from)

"We visited the home of George Washington."

Study Vocabulary Words home (adv): to or at the place where someone lives


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Used with verbs:

"They quickly headed home."
(headed, drove, returned, rushed, walked, ran, rode)

"I think I'm going to stay home."

"He hasn't traveled home for a long time."

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Next Word by Letter: homework
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