How to Use "I" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words i (pro): the person who is speaking


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Used with verbs:

"I am happy."
(be: is/am/are, be: was/were)

"I live in this house."
(live in, own, reside in, rent)

"I go to school."
(go to, attend, like)

"I can drive."
(drive, sing, dance, swim, walk, run) *many additional verbs

"I understand English."
(understand, speak)

"I like reading."
(like, love, hate, enjoy)

"I was late again."
(be: was/were, be: is/am/are)

"I have a boat."
(have, own, want)

"I will see you again soon."
(will see, will talk to, write to, visit)

"I may visit my parents next month."
(may, might, will)

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