How to Use "Ignore" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words ignore (v): to not pay attention to someone or something


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Used with adverbs:

"She totally ignored what I was saying."
(totally, completely, utterly)

"He basically ignored his ex-wife at the party."
(basically, practically)

"My brother typically ignores a problem until it becomes a crisis."
(typically, generally, simply, consistently, repeatedly, frequently, routinely)

"There was an accident because people blatantly ignored the safety guidelines."
(blatantly, deliberately, intentionally, willfully, purposely)

"The audience politely ignored her comment."
(politely, apparently)

"You cannot easily ignore her loud voice."

Used with verbs:

"We cannot ignore the doctor's diagnosis."
(cannot, cannot afford to)

"Some people are willing to ignore the health risks of smoking."
(be + willing to)

"My friend tends to ignore constructive criticism."
(tends, chooses, tries, attempts, pretends, continues)

"I have learned to ignore negative comments from others."

Used with nouns:

"It is hard to ignore her advice."
(advice, call, comments, complaints, feelings, interruptions, remarks, tantrums, wishes)

"We tried to ignore the dangers."
(dangers, facts, pain, problem, question, sign, suggestions, rumors, symptoms, urges, warning)

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