How to Use "Internet" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words internet (n): a global computer network


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Used with adverbs:

"He needs wireless Internet to do his work."
(wireless, broadband, high-speed)

Used with verbs:

"She goes on the Internet daily."
(goes on, accesses, uses, searches, browses, surfs)

"Some countries have attempted to regulate the Internet."
(regulate, censor, control)

Used with nouns:

"He is trying to develop his own Internet site."
(site, website, magazine, radio, blog)

"Internet cafes are becoming more popular."
(cafes, chat rooms, auctions)

"The boy had unlimited Internet access."
(access, use)

"What is the Internet website address?"
(website address, domain name)

"Which Internet browser is the easiest to navigate?"
(browser, search engine)

"Our company uses the largest Internet provider."
(provider, service provider)

"More people are using Internet banking."
(banking, dating, shopping, gambling)

"We have a slow Internet connection."

"Internet security is very important these days."

Used with prepositions:

"He is always on the Internet."

"It is possible to earn a college degree over the Internet."
(over, through)

Previous Word by Letter: international
Next Word by Letter: interview
Previous Word by Frequency: big
Next Word by Frequency: possible

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