How to Use "Joke" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words joke (n): something said or done to cause laughter


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Used with adjectives:

"He tells funny jokes that make people laugh."
(funny, hilarious, good)

"I didn't find her joke amusing."

"That was an old joke."
(old, good, funny, bad, corny, dumb, lame, silly, stupid, cruel, sick, crude, dirty)

"He is always playing practical jokes on his friends."

"Everything is a huge joke to him."
(huge, big)

Used with verbs:

"He's great at telling jokes."
(telling, cracking, making)

"My brother is always playing jokes on people."

"She likes to share jokes with her friends."
(share, exchange)

"He likes a good joke."
(likes, appreciates, enjoys)

"Did you understand the joke?"

"You totally spoiled the joke."

"Some people cannot take a joke."

Used with prepositions:

"Don't be upset, I said it as a joke."

"He told a joke about his family."

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