How to Use "Juice" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words juice (n): the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables


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Used with adjectives:

"He likes to drink fruit juice every morning."
(fruit, orange, apple, tomato, grape, fresh, freshly squeezed, fresh-squeezed)

"She prefers unsweetened juice."
(unsweetened, sweetened, organic, concentrated)

Used with verbs:

"She squeezed all the juice out of the oranges."
(squeezed, extracted, sucked)

"He was drinking apple juice on the patio."
(be + drinking, be + sipping, be + enjoying, be + having)

"My son spilled the juice on the floor."

"She sprinkles lemon juice on her fish."

Used with prepositions:

"He loves to make juice from fresh lemons."
(from, with)

"The recipe calls for the juice of one orange."

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