How to Use "Knowledge" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words knowledge (n): facts, information and skills acquired through experience or education


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Used with adjectives:

"She has expert knowledge in forensics."
(expert, vast, considerable, great, complete, in-depth, broad, extensive)

"He has first-hand knowledge of what happened."
(first-hand, direct, current, factual, up-to-date)

"I have limited knowledge of European history."
(limited, basic, general)

"It's common knowledge that the company is struggling."
(common, public)

"She has a good working knowledge of the subject."
(working, useful, practical)

"His professional knowledge became very useful."
(professional, medical, scientific, technical)

Used with verbs:

"I acquired more knowledge on the subject."
(acquired, gained, have, found, discovered)

"Previous knowledge is not required for the job."
(be + required, be + needed, be + expected)

"He demonstrated his knowledge of computers."
(demonstrated, showed, displayed)

"The project gave him the opportunity to use his knowledge."
(use, apply)

"We shared our knowledge of fine wines."
(shared, exchanged)

"He read many books to increase his knowledge."
(increase, improve, expand, enhance)

Used with prepositions:

"He did it without their knowledge."
(without, with)

"She's never lived out of state to my knowledge."
(to, according to)

"He had a wide knowledge of classic cars."

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