How to Use "Leg" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words leg (n): a part of the body between the hip and the foot that is used for standing, walking and running


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Used with adjectives:

"He has a scar on his right leg."
(right, left, lower, upper)

"She has long legs."
(long, short, beautiful, muscular, strong, powerful, skinny, thin)

"We noticed his hairy legs."
(hairy, fat, stumpy, prosthetic, artificial)

"I cannot stand on my good leg."
(good, bad, injured, weak, tired)

"She needs surgery for a broken leg."
(broken, fractured)

Used with verbs:

"He tried to bend his injured leg."
(bend, straighten, lift, stretch, walk on)

"The policeman told him to spread his legs."
(spread, stand on, move)

"She always kicks with her left leg."

"He broke his right leg in an accident."
(broke, injured, lost)

"I need to shave my legs if I'm going to wear a skirt."
(shave, wax, cross)

"The boy sat on a bridge dangling his legs."
(dangling, swinging)

"Her legs were shaking with fear."
(be + shaking, be + trembling)

Used with nouns:

"He does 10 minutes of leg exercises every day."
(exercises, stretches)

"During the game, she suffered a leg cramp."
(cramp, injury)

"I want to have stronger leg muscles."

Used with prepositions:

"The dog walked away with his tail between its legs."

"The soldier was hit in the leg."
(in, through)

"I have a cut on my leg."

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