How to Use "Limited" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words limited (adj): not very much; not being able to go beyond a certain point


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Used with verbs:

"The colors we can choose from are very limited."
(be: is/am/are, seem, appear)

"The items on the menu are becoming limited each time we visit the restaurant."
(be + becoming, remain)

Used with adverbs:

"The color choices are very limited."
(very, extremely, fairly)

"Space is severely limited so try to come early."
(severely seriously, apparently, a little, slightly)

Used with prepositions:

"Our school is limited in what can be taught."

"The number of guests is limited to thirty people."

Used with nouns:

"He's concerned because he has limited experience with this software."
(experience, information, knowledge, understanding)

"She is not sure if she can finish her job with such limited assistance."
(assistance, ability, coverage, exposure, mobility, participation, power, support, time)

"There are only limited amounts available."
(amount, choices, funds, options, quantities, resources, selections, services, sizes, spaces)

"She is working with a limited budget."
(budget, imagination, number)

"He felt he had limited importance to the project."
(importance, significance, value)

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