How to Use "Look" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words look (n): the act of looking at or examining something; a facial expression


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Used with adjectives:

"I need to take a closer look."
(closer, quick, in-depth, careful, detailed, hard, honest, serious)

"The film gives a humorous look at reality television."
(humorous, light-hearted, interesting)

"The documentary provides an inside look at life in prison."
(inside, behind-the-scenes, revealing)

"You better take a good look at it."
(good, careful, better)

"He had an angry look on his face."
(angry, fierce, furious, annoyed, murderous, desperate, panicked, scared, terrified, anxious, sad, worried)

"He gave me a funny look."
(funny, odd, strange, weird, blank, puzzled, baffled, innocent)

Used with verbs:

"I got a good look at his new car."
(got, took, had)

"I sneaked a quick look at the surprise."
(sneaked, stole)

"The tour offers a historical look at the Civil War."
(offers, provides)

Used with prepositions:

"I took a look at his new computer."

"He took a brief look through his notes."

"She took a quick look in the mirror."

"Have a look out of the window."

"We had a good look around downtown."

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